Get Help Now

Here are the easy directions:
  • First Time Customers:
    1. Click on the button (or arrow) labeled Start a New Session
    2. Enter your phone number or email address on the line labeled Your Name
    3. Click Start Session
    4. There will be two popups. One asking permission to download a program. The other asking for permission to run the program. Click Yes or OK on both of them
    5. Your technician will contact you using the method you entered in step 2 to get the details of your problem and set up your support session.
  • Return Customers:
    1. Click on the button (or arrow) labeled Start a New Session
    2. Enter your Name in the box labeled Your Name
    3. Click Start Session
    4. There will be two popups. One asking permission to download a program. The other asking for permission to run the program. Click Yes or OK on both of them
    5. Your technician will call you before connecting to the session

Why Choose Community PC?

Most Trusted Techs

We work hard to promote a high level of trust between you and your technician. Based on our reviews, we're succeeding.

28 Years of Experience

As Groucho Marx said, "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." It doesn't seem like nearly 3 decades to us either.

We Speak Your Language

We specialize in making sense of all the techno-speak. Combine that with our well-known patience and it's a recipe for success